♡ Microsoft Word ♡

The platform, Microsoft Word is a platform used for writing and creating different types of documents. This is one of the first platforms we learned to use this quarter. We learned how to give the documents different apperances and all the things you can do with a document. Below is my progresion this quarter ♡

This was our outline and expections for Quarter 4 Computers. We made the list with the help of Mr. Hasan's guide. We were also encouraged to add a design/colour to the image. (Which I did). We then emailed a PDF version of this document to our parents.

If my memory is correct, this is my first actual project on Word. We took a the French poem, Alouette, translated it three times, and then put some facts about it. We also then designed the paper in our own ways, making it less bland.

For this project, we made an adverstisment for product of our choosing. We also had to make boxes for the rip-off strips with our information. I decided to make mine about a baby sitting service.

When we learned how to use tables, we made a calendar of four different months. April, as a practice, and we got to choose the other three. I made the weekend boxes darker so that it was easier to distinguish the weekday's and the weekend's. I also clearly labeled the days of the week.

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